Global Soil Data Manager

Welcome to GSDM’s documentation!

The GSDM application was developed in a collaboration between The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture. The project was funded by Formas/SIDA (contract: 220-1975-2013) together with Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR; Sweden) and formed part of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). The web application is provided as is and we take no responsibility for any damage caused by using it.

How To Use The Documentation

The documentation is divided into two sections:

  1. User Help: Step-by-step instructions in workshop format that help a user to accomplish a set of tasks.
  2. Reference: Component information, deployment and configuration instructions etc.

Table of contents

User Help

The User help section contains step-by-step workshops that are oriented around performing particular set of tasks, like:

  1. Viewing existing soil maps.
  2. Design sampling based on covariate data.
  3. Upload local soil data to adapt and evaluate existing maps.


The Reference section provides details about the internals of the GSDM application. It has background information about components that make up GSDM, deployment, configuration and much more.

Indices and tables